Bushel Plus System

Manitoba Initiative Makes Funding Available for Farmers to get a Bushel Plus SmartPan System

Global sustainability is important to us at Bushel Plus. We’re thrilled to see that there is a local prairie-focused incentive program supporting Manitoba farmers and their investment in innovative technology around precision harvest management and precision spraying. Included in the incentive is government funding for farmers to purchase a drop pan system. The initiative is…

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal Recognizes Bushel Plus Founder & CEO Marcel Kringe for Outstanding Community Service and Provincial Contributions

Bushel Plus Founder & Chief Executive Officer Marcel Kringe was honoured to be a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (Manitoba) on January 17, 2023. Kringe was selected to receive the prestigious award by Honourable Reg Helwer, MLA for Brandon West, and is among a distinguished group of individuals recognized for their…

Better Farming – Profile Article

Marcel Kringe’s background in Ag Engineering and Agronomy means he is always thinking about agriculture and solving the challenges ahead. Marcel created the Bushel Plus integrated drop pan system to help combine operators safely and efficiently check and quantify what is being lost from the combine during harvest. Read more here.